Propel Orthodontics

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Orthodontic treatment time slowing you down?

Propel Orthodontics

In our continuous effort to provide the best in orthodontic treatment for our patients, we are proud to offer PROPELĀ®, an advanced orthodontic technique that works with your braces or aligners to fast track your orthodontic treatment. This exciting technology from Propel Orthodontics allows us to get most patients finished with their treatment much faster!

PROPELĀ® works with the your own biology to stimulate the bone surrounding your teeth; helping the teeth to move faster and more predictably into their ideal position so we can reveal your new smile faster and in fewer visits to our office.

We provide PROPEL for Invisalign and braces, offering complimentary consultations to all. If you would like to accelerate your orthodontic treatment today, then ask us about PROPEL!


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Propel Patient Video
